#10 - European Fintech Lenders Forecast 2024

Show notes

In the latest episode of our show, we take a look ahead and chat about the state of Digital Lending in 2024 against the backdrop of a mixed economic outlook and interest rate uncertainties. We delve into capital costs, profitability and data, among other things. The podcast also dives deep into Basel3, Open Finance, AI, and the future prospects of Crowdlending.

Guests: Patrick Stäuble, Founder & CEO of Teylor AG, Maik Taro Wehmeyer, Co-Founder & CEO of Taktile, Andreas Wolf, Member of the Management Board with Raisin Bank

Host: Constantin Fabricius, Managing Director of the Digital Lending Association

Please note: The content of this podcast is expressly not to be considered investment advice, but is intended solely for your information.

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Taktile’s Lending Report 2023 can be found here.

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